YELLOW DESIGN FOUNDATION is a multidisciplinary, European and interregional platform for research and information on community oriented design. Our main fields of activity are mobility, urban planning and placemaking.


Climate change allows no exceptions and requires us to live, think and engage differently.

Yellow design Foundation primary function is to initiate, develop and promote knowledge, expertise and sustainable solutions in mobility, urban planning and place-making. Our combined fields of research and knowledge, singular backgrounds, participative and transversal approach endorsed by exact, applied and human sciences, as well as linguistics and design allow us to come up with and develop uncomplicated solutions to complex problems.

We consider stations, cities and public spaces are extraordinary ‘bee-hives’ of activity and interaction, we like walking in them, observing travellers, passers-by, and those providing multifaceted services. We inventorise, analyse and compare data, corroborate the data with interviews, images and video in developing our recommendations and eventually suggest priorities and offer capacity building.


The team is composed of the following members:

Dr. João Cruz

Dr João Cruz currently teaches at the University of Fine Arts in Lisbon, Portugal. João graduated in Interior and Industrial Design from the University of Lisbon, Portugal in 1997. He received his Master’s Degree in Product, Materials and Product Management by the University of Aveiro, Portugal in 2005. His thesis was entitled, “Design against crime in the public transportation networks of Lisbon and Oporto areas”.

Obtained his PhD at the University of Aveiro on 2015 after a three year research on “The role of design on the physical comfort and psychological well being of passengers on long haul trains in Portugal”.

Dr. Glenn H. Frommer

Dr. Glenn Frommer is amongst the pioneers of the sustainability and the environmental movement, having worked in the field for more than 30 years. His understanding and application of corporate risk management and corporate reporting have helped set the gold standard for sustainability strategy development and management. In the course of his career, Glenn held senior executive positions with the Mass Transit Railway Corporation, Vipac Engineers and Scientists and Dampa A/S. His extensive cross sector and cross-industrial experience extends throughout the international arena, specifically in Europe and Asia-Pacific.

Glenn has worked with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) since 2000, involved in drafting technical supporting documents to the GRI G3.1 and G4 guidelines.

He has also worked on the development of the AccountAbility AA1000AS standard, Bsi 8900 for sustainability management systems and the ISO 26000 standard for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). He has provided a number of reviews of GRI G4 and Integrated Reports to Hong Kong, mainland China and multi-national companies in the last 12 months. Since June 1st, 2020 Glenn has been adopted as Member of the AccountAbility AA1000 Standards Board.

He has lived and worked in Hong Kong, Australia, Denmark and the United States. His knowledge of the fields and wide network of international contacts gives him a thorough understanding of the different cultures, customs and governance issues. Additionally, Glenn holds a PhD in Aerospace Sciences, is a Fellow of the International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration, the Honorary Chair of the Sustainable Development Commission of the International Association of Public Transport, a member of several international and local professional bodies as well as being a Fulbright Fellow. He is a published author and is currently the Senior Advisor to the GRI Focal Point in China.

He is also a founding partner of the Sustainability Partnership, a consultancy firm in Hong Kong that focuses on taking reporting companies into the next phases of sustainability development. Glenn has been a leading research partner of Yellow design since 2012.

Anne Leemans

Anne graduated in applied linguistics in 1981. She has been Yellow design Foundation’s Secretary General since 2004 and driven its research and development focussing on sustainability and climate action. She is dedicated to promoting transversal cooperation and making experts in mobility, urban planning safety & security, energy and environment come together and integrate their findings in the interest of sustainability and to the benefit of users: passengers, pedestrians, and cyclists, but also other stakeholders of quality public space.

Rob Mayo

Rob Mayo is a specialist in user experience design and service performance. With 40+ years experience living and working in Asia, he has deep knowledge of Japan, Korea and China marketing, communications, customer service, customer experience, customer loyalty and service delivery methods. He has worked for a number of global public and private sector organisations over the years and since 2011, has been a consultant on strategy, design, performance and passenger experience to public transport service providers in Asia-Pacific, the Middle East, Africa, Europe, North & South America.

Rob’s focus is on the merging of digital with physical user experience strategies / initiatives to move service providers to higher levels of performance through human-centered design thinking. Rob is also a Lead Trainer, Assessment Panel Member and Working Group Chair for the UITP.


Michèle-Dominique Raymond

Michèle-Dominique RAYMOND is an international relations and development expert who has worked in the field of development and international cooperation, poverty reduction and sustainable development for over 25 years as a senior international official and diplomat in Belgium and Germany. She has a long-standing record of demonstrable experience in crafting and implementing policies for development, resource mobilization and partnership building for national authorities in the 79 African, Caribbean and Pacific Member States.   

She has a deep knowledge and understanding of European integration, political processes and systems, having served as Assistant Secretary-General in Charge of Political Affairs and Human Development at the Secretariat of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States in Brussels, Belgium. In this role, she was responsible for managing development cooperation with the European Commission. She managed large programmes worth almost half a billion euros in European Development Funds over a period of five years from 2010 to 2015, in the areas of culture, health systems strengthening, cooperation in science and technology, exchange programmes and capacity building for institutions of higher education, gender, migration, urbanization, as well as humanitarian affairs and disaster prevention and mitigation. She has undertaken political consultative and field missions in ACP States in furtherance of the ACP Group’s objective of contributing to the peaceful resolution of political crises, as well as political dialogue on sustainable development.

Under her stewardship at the ACP Secretariat, the Participatory Slum Upgrading Program successfully accomplished major strides towards addressing the challenges of rapid urbanization and the needs of the urban poor. the program contributes to poverty eradication under the umbrella of the MDGs 7C and 7D through a strategy of slum improvement, based on the participation and involvement of representatives both at national and community level.

Michèle has practical experience in bringing together high-Level political principals and thought leaders, having participated in several Head of States Summit and organized the 7th Summit of ACP Heads of State and Government. She supervised preparations for several sectoral ministerial meetings, conferences and seminars in Brussels and many countries in Sub-Saharian Africa. She set the direction, and oversaw implementation ACP/EU Cultures+ programme. This experience has given her an intimate knowledge of the challenges and opportunities of economic and cultural environment in ACP countries. 

She was Head of Mission, Ambassador Plenipotentiary at the Embassy of Haiti in Berlin. She was Assistant Secretary-General for Political Affairs and Human Development at the ACP Secretariat in Brussels. Before that, she worked as a Principle Counsellor at the Embassy of Haiti in Brussels, undertaking various roles for the Embassy and Government of Haiti in terms of the countries engagement with the EU and CARICOM/CARIFORUM. Before joining the diplomatic service, she worked as an educator in Haiti and France, and also did consultancy and field work for UNICEF.


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Only 12% of citizens are conscious of the dramatic situation of our planet and changes needed to their behaviour.
We shouldn’t blame or disdain, but must make a persuasive effort now for tomorrow in order to reach the tipping point of 25% for social change, tomorrow.
In view of this, Yellow design Foundation (Brussels,B) with the support of ESG matters (Copenhagen, D) drafted a Manifesto suggesting measures that allow citizens to make climate friendly choices.
Here is a list of possible actions. It mainly focusses on mobility, but food, healthcare, fashion, are to be added.key issues as well.


EN        FR        DE        NL

Download full document

Climate Emergency Manifesto


Our research on the issues of space, flows and interaction confirms that perceived security in public transport cannot be satisfactorily addressed from a technical point of view only
It requires knowledge and understanding of the context, culture, social and economic dynamics of the station environment and surroundings, as well as an understanding of the mechanisms and behaviour of users.
SpinApp integrates security, energy and environment data and enables owners, developers, facility managers to calculate the cost of refurbishment and climate resilience adaptation.
Check-out via




A city with many faces, opposing views, fragmented green spaces, heavy traffic jams, shrinking unbuilt surface but nevertheless striking a positive balance of friendliness, tolerance, cordiality and energy


Brussels, climate and culture


It has been an energizing project, based on the input of the participating start-ups we hope the vision laid out in the Manifesto will foster sustainable mobility, breathtaking creativity, innovative entrepreneurship and agile governance and in so doing contribute to a Europe that is strong, fair and healthy.

European Mobility Startup Manifesto


Despite the deep pain caused by the loss of many dear ones due to this pandemic, COVID-19 can also be seen as an occasion to re-think, re-design, re-view and roll-out. To be sure, the lock-down and confinement have generated improved air quality, lower noise levels, more frequent walking, jogging, walking and cycling, shopping for fresh food and groceries in local stores as well as stepped up our digital connectivity.

Adapt, focus, engage, here comes post-COVID-19


In 1960 the World counted two mega cities (with populations of over 10 million), New York and Tokyo; in 2011, the number had risen to twenty two. Today there are 47 megacities in the world. Most of them are located in Asia. The largest are the metropolitan areas of Tokyo, Shanghai, and Jakarta, each having over 30 million inhabitants. China alone has 15 megacities, India has six. The front-runner, as the fastest urbanising continent, is Africa.

Cities, energy & waste


Cities can be looked at from many angles, in what follows I’d like to invite you to look at cities as a ‘multi- core dynamic network’. Standing alone, the cores are fairly meaningless, risking isolation, insecurity, with pockets of impoverishment. Within a fluid network they can benefit from the trade between each other’s products, services, charms and entertainment. In so doing they become interdependent and thus more resilient.

Mobility, density and urban green space


Previously, in Europe, men were the main producers of goods and services in the city. They would go out to conduct business meetings with other men. Thus they would influence and decide the design of public space and public buildings, deliver speeches, appoint confidants, and prepare laws with their inner circles, holding power in Parliament, and so on. But not women. They were not welcome in Houses of Parliament, universities…

Cities, from spheres of power to providers of competence


Cities are about people and people have dreams, aspirations, desires and needs. People make cities come alive: in streets, squares, piazzas, parks, and open spaces. Debates on urban development between architects and urban planners usually deal with houses and planning, possibly plotting. Debates on mobility and public transport usually deal with frequency, seamless transit, real-time information, transit hubs and/or customised tracks. However, architecture, urban planning and mobility share the same crucial needs for efficient land-use and urban integration.

Walkable cities, public space networks and river systems


The accessibility of public transport is the pre-requisite for sustainable urban development, a sustainable environment and, last but not least, a partial litmus-test for true democ- racies.

YdesignFoundation aims to contribute to a better quality of life for citizens, communities and organizations by good design in its many forms, shades and shapes, be it graphic, 3D and/or interactive.

By means of this research program on the link between the perception of security and design, YdesignFoundation’s objective is to contribute to the design of more positive context and surroundings, of improved…



Feelings of insecurity in public waiting or transfer areas are common despite adequate technical levels of security.

We found considerable knowledge and technical know how available in safe, secure environments but little if anything was being documented on the perception of security and the emotional reactions to sensory stimulation through the use of form, function, sound, smell or colour. The research team of YellowdesignFoundation developed a methodology to ellicitate and analyse links between social interaction and space for different user pro les…




Yellow design’s “Low carbon stations for low carbon cities” provides a comprehensive perspective and instructions that are of universal applicability. We believe this report and its recommendations can benefit many people. Its design and the guidelines it contains are simple and instructive. Its illustrations facilitate comprehension. Thank you all for the excellent work.

— Alice Dahlstrand & Anna Hansson
Swedish Transport Administration

Low Carbon Stations



SPIN-UP is a methodology that assesses and improves the quality of public space and public transport space. In early 2004 we started defining the research project that would endeavour to explore the mechanism and boundaries of perceived security as well as the link between perceived security and design in transit zones of intermodal stations of urban public transport. This ultimately resulted in the conception and development of the SPIN-UP…



Changement climatique oblige.

Mobilités Créatives


Last September 29th, the 1st International Creative Mobilities Forum was launched in Grenoble, France.

1st International Creative Mobilities Forum


We are pleased to present the trailer to our “Matale: an awaking city” production.
The full 30 minute video was released in April 2014.

This custom-made video shot on location during early 2014 concerns the city of Matale, in Sri Lanka, due to undergo extensive urban renewal. We hear the hopes and dreams, hard reality and ambitious town planning projects as we speak with government ministers and the Mayor, as well as small business owners, artists, and school children. Seeking the widest possible views, we travel to different institutions, shops, tea plantations, current street projects, fairs, festivals and more in order to reveal the strengths as well as the weaknesses of Matale as it stands on the brink of extensive urban redevelopment.

This video supplies an extensive, in-depth perspective to help any viewer realise that Matale, much like other cities of its size and aspirations, has a huge potential … all it takes is understanding and putting together those key elements that could make it shine.

Matale: an awaking city (trailer)



On behalf of UIC we developed a benchmark of major interchanges in Asia (Delhi, Mumbai, Seoul, Tokyo), compared results and best practices.

Document available upon request

Benchmark UIC



On behalf of UIC (International Union of Railways) we developed a toolbox for the design of major interchanges in Europe. The field research was carried out in Milano Centrale, Madrid Atocha, Paris Montparnasse and Berlin Haupthbahnhof.

Document available upon request

Toolbox UIC

Yellow design Foundation provides design solutions, quality and performance assessments, project definitions and recommendations for stations, station environments and urban public space


Yellow design Foundation provides design solutions, quality and performance assessments, project definitions and recommendations for stations, station environments and urban public space.

We act as an advisor and consultant to a variety of national and international organisations in mobility, urban planning and public health related projects that require sharp, smart solutions. These are based on data collected by means of tested and approved questionnaires in compliance with GDPR, as well international design, security and environmental standards and regulations.

Around the World

Safety and perceived security
Stockholm, Oslo, Helsingborg, Antwerp, Brussels, Paris, Oporto, Istanbul

Toolkit for the design of major interchanges
Paris, Madrid, Milan, Berlin

Benchmark of major interchanges in Asia
Delhi, Mumbai, Seoul, Shanghai, Beijing, Tokyo

Project definitions prior to renovation of station
Brussels: Roodebeek, Jacques Brel, Bourse, Anneessens, Bockstael, Stuyvenberg, Simonis

Low carbon stations for low carbon cities
Matale, Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö, Da’nang (upcoming)

SPIN UP, the methodology

SPIN UP is an acronym for Security Perception in Intermodal stations for Urban Public transport.A methodology that looks at security energy and an environment from a user’s perspective and linking any design upgrade of a transit hub to its improved perceived security while minimizing its energy usage and environmental impacts.

SPIN UP defines a station and its environments as a heterotopia, i.e. a place accessible to all but still governed by explicit and implicit rules. The explicit rules, for example, include buying a ticket in order to travel, not smoking within the station’s premises, not exhibiting offensive behaviour. The implicit ones are the rules we observe by culture and/or education, for example, queuing culture, speaking loudly or types of offensive behaviour, etc.

The station will usually be more or less hierarchically complex, similar to cities, but in this case will depend on the number of modes that converge at the station. In all cases, however, stations must offer a secure environment, reliable information and a clean infrastructure.


A Public Transport operator as a mobility and community services provider : The operator transports passengers from A to B, while offering free information and services as well as retail and entertainment possibilities.

SPIN UP distinguishes between USE, RUSE and ABUSE.

SPIN APP, the application

A smart web-based app, the SPIN APP security, energy and environment performance indicator is available. It is platform agnostic and able to adapt to both very basic station and building configurations as well as rather sophisticated ones as its use is both meant for stations located in Developed countries and Least Developed Countries.The collected data are treated in full compliance with GDPR regulation.

More to be released later.

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    We will only process your personal data according to the privacy policy that applies to Yellow Design Foundation. This means that the personal data that we have obtained above will only be processed for the aforementioned explicit and legitimate purposes. As a data subject, you have a number of rights that are related to the personal data provided, so that you always remain fully in control of your personal data.

    Contact info

    Address Rue de l’Association 39, 1000 Brussels
    Phone +32 2 734 02 48